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hello! artistic wise & music wise, i have none to add! It's very nice artstyle & the music really makes me feel like I'm actually in a well.

I do have to say that I'm not totally clear what you're supposed to do with the tinier fishes you collect along the way. I thought the next big fish was the one I needed, but it wasn't. Also idk if it's just me, but I'm not getting alot of frames.
(might be me lol)

Also for design wise, by controls, it's abit hard to read the text, because the color blends well with the background, maybe for next time ;)

For the rest, lovely game!!!!

으.. 어렵네요. 클리어는 못했지만 재밌습니다!!

pls fix the height of the death drop, sometimes i'm jumping down to another platform and it counts as if i died

(2 edits) (+1)

Wow It's a really relaxing game. I really love the art style and the music (these got high rating from me haha). I really enjoy it!